Reduce Hospital Re-Admissions

Hospital admissions and stays contribute a large amount to older adult patients healthcare costs. Adding to the financial liability comes the impact to the patient. Increase risk of their functional decline, infections and possibly hospital associated delirium.
Ambulatory-care sensitive conditions can positively reduce the risk of these hospital admissions. Some of which at higher risk include respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. Simple measures can help such as ensuring proper technique – yes, the actual actuation and breathing in of their inhalers and reinforcing the difference between short and long-acting inhalers. Heart failure and possible exacerbations. These patients full understanding of the condition including daily weight checks and avoiding medications that could worsen their condition – that means no ibuprofen for their aches. Diabetes and education on the signs of hypoglycemia – but also the how to’s in bringing their glucose back to safe levels. This means no using peanut butter at the first sign of hypoglycemia and dizziness when their sugars are low.
Recognizing these bits of information that is crucial to the patients care of their condition, and educating them. Allowing patients to be in the know and in control of their health and their risk of hospitalizations. That is one small impact that we as healthcare professionals in the ambulatory settings can play a role in. Pharmacists can help with this initiative as well. Together, we can reduce the risk of preventable hospital admissions.

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